THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-24 kicked off with a training session for the teachers on 23 May 2023, sponsored by Macmillan Publishers. It was held at the Fr George Vayalil Memorial Auditorium, led by Mr K.S. Prasad, a renowned trainer who offers customized training and development programmes. Additionally, he has in his kitty specialized packages for educational institutions, corporates, and NGOs.
The topics that figured under discussion included
• Classroom management
• Teaching-learning activities
• New approaches in teaching
• Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy in classrooms
• Laws of learning, and
• Three domains in learning.

At the end of the afternoon session, a memento was presented to the keynote speaker by Rev Dr Roy P.K. the school Principal.

24 May 2023: Instructions for Teachers

Teachers were called to assemble at the seminar hall to receive detailed instructions on how to prepare lesson plans for the upcoming academic year 2023-24. Mrs Jaimol John, General Coordinator, headed this session. After she elaborated the major points with respect to the preparation of lesson plans, the teachers dispersed for a short break at 11.00 a.m. only to reassemble for a webinar hosted by Akash Tiwari who introduced the Edumerge Learning App and its application.

The afternoon session started at 2.30 pm and was attended by all the teachers besides the Fathers on the management team: Dr Roy, Principal; Fr Kelvin Olikkunnel, Vice Principal; and Fr Baby Joseph, school administrator.

Dr Roy waxed eloquent as he recalled the selfless services of his predecessor Fr Soby Thomas along with the staff who voluntarily walked that extra mile to see every examinee in Class X and XII pass out in flying colours.

Besides introducing the new staff member this year, Fr Roy spent some time at length to expatiate on the implications of the theme chosen for this academic year – Make the pursuit of perfection an everyday endeavor. It is an expansion of the Biblical exhortation to ‘Be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect.’

25 May 2023: Subject Councils

Classrooms were allotted and subject councils were held, guided by the department heads of each subject. The councils held detailed discussions on how to prepare year plans. Subject heads for each class were selected and entrusted with the responsibility to submit the year plan by 30 May 2023.

30 May 2023, Training Session

A training programme was conducted by Mrs Rakhee Vijay Nair on the topic of Experiential Learning. Starting at 9.30 a.m., the session went on till 3.30 pm. Participants were divided subject-wise into groups and were encouraged to organize their own sessions based on experiential learning. This helped the teachers derive great benefit for their career.

01 June 2023, New Academic Year

A grand reopening function was arranged at the school to welcome students, teachers and new staff to the campus. Dr Ancykutty Joseph, former Principal of St Dominic’s College, Kanjirappally, served as the chief guest on this occasion. She inspired both teachers and students with her wise counsel.

Rev Dr Roy, taking charge as the Principal, addressed the community. Brimming with fresh ideas, Dr Roy urged the students to abide by strict rules of discipline, and to pursue perfection as our motto for the year.

After the assembly, students were escorted by their class teachers to their respective classrooms where they were instructed to inject dedication and enthusiasm into their daily routine. The day’s programme created vibes of positivity and optimism among the students as the opening programme set the tone for an exciting academic year ahead.

The afternoon saw the students disperse for the day.

05 June 2023, World Environment Day

The theme for this year’s World Environment Day was ‘Solution to Plastic Pollution’. Students of Grades VI, VII and VIII took an active interest in arranging the day’s programme. Dr Punnan Kurian Venkadath, retired Principal of St Mary’s College, Manarcad, Kottayam, was the chief guest. He is also the Secretary at the Tropical Institute of Ecological Sciences.

As a renowned environmentalist, ecologist and zoology professor, he has won numerous accolades including Vanamithra Award, Burksman Award and many others. He demonstrated strategies to fight the curse of plastic pollution in society by following a disciplined life, marked by consideration for others.

On this occasion, the school authorities honoured Shri Jojo George, a staff member at the school and a member of Athirampuzha Panchayat, for his heroic efforts to turn a patch of land at Vedagiri hills into a herbarium by planting a number of special trees that have today grown into a lovely grove. His was a solitary effort that spanned several years and was motivated by altruism, pure and simple.

Dr Punnan planted a sapling in the school premises as part of our celebration of the Environment Day. Leaders of every class were called to exchange seeds as symbolizing our determination to work hard for environmental conservation.

Students of Grade I were provided with seedlings to be planted at their homes.

10 June 2023, Anti-Drug Seminar

A growing concern of contemporary society is the abuse of drugs by youngsters. To tackle this issue, a seminar was arranged at the school dealing with this topic. Police officers from Ettumanoor led the seminar. They described their real life experiences and the harsh realities of drug abuse and urged students to desist from the trap of such strong temptations.

Students of Grades IX, X and XII participated in the seminar which enlightened them on the evil consequences of drug abuse.

10 June 2023, Merit Day

Merit Day celebration along with Grade XI inauguration was conducted on 10 June 2023. Shri Thomas Chazhikadan, MP, was the chief guest on this occasion. The school paid recognition and respect to every student of Grades X and XII who had obtained high scores in the latest public examinations of the CBSE Board held in March/April 2023.

New entrants in Grade XI were sincerely welcomed to the school campus, and given proper directions on how to go about their daily routine. They were presented with lighted candles and rose flowers, symbolizing the goodwill that characterizes the Desalite way of life.

Among the VIP attendees were Fr Jose Parappillil, school manager; Dr Roy, school Principal; Fr Kelvin Olikkunnel, vice principal, Fr Baby Joseph, School Administrator.

All of them paid glowing tributes to the students who through hard work keep the school’s morale high.

12 June 2023, School Assemblies …

The first school assembly this year was arranged by the students of Grade VA. It was successfully organized by the Class Teacher and her students, and the Principal appreciated their efforts to make it happen. It set the tone for the rest of the year.

19 June 2023, Reading Day

Reading Day was organized at the school under the auspices of Nallapaadam. The school assembly on this day was arranged by students of Grade VB; they did it with aplomb and gusto. Mr Bebby, a representative from Malayala Manorama, was the chief guest who drew attention to the need for developing a regular reading habit. Free copies of the Manorama daily were distributed to the students.

“To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.” “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Joseph Addison

The Reading Day boosted students’ interest in acquiring knowledge through the reading habit.

21 June 2023, Yoga Day & Music Day

This day was set apart for the twin celebration of Yoga and Music, two factors that contribute in large measure to the enhancement of life’s quality. While the credit for popularizing yoga at the international level goes to PM Modi, music has been part and parcel of the daily lives of ordinary folk.

The school assembly was hosted by class students who highlighted the importance of music by singing a lilting song in common. This was followed by yogic demonstrations by yoga master Mathew Joseph Malayil who taught the students various yogic postures.

Dr Roy was full of praise for the students who have launched the projects to provide training in yoga and the fine art of music to enrich lives.

22-24 June 2023, Book Fair

As part of the Reading Day celebration, a book fair was got up at the school by Nallapaadam from 22 to 24 June 2023. The event was arranged at the Vayalil Memorial Auditorium, and inaugurated by Fr Baby Joseph, school administrator. Present on the occasion were Dr Roy and Fr Kelvin.

26 June 2023, Anti-drug Seminar

An anti-drug seminar was arranged for students of Grades VI, VII and VIII on 26 June. Shri Aneesh K.G., DYSP, Kottayam, was the chief guest who elaborated the effects of drug abuse among students. Based on his experience in the police department, he imbued the students with the determination to avoid substance abuse.

Dr Roy, Principal, Fr Baby Joseph, school administrator, and Fr Kelvin, vice principal, were also present.

11 July 2023, School Parliament

School parliament election was held on 11 July 2023. Elections were held for the positions of head boy, head girl, vice head boy and vice head girl. Elaborate arrangements had been made to conduct a foolproof election.

A video of the candidates as they introduced themselves was shown on smart boards in Grades VI – XII. The election took place at 11.00 a.m. but the result was released at 3.00 pm the same day.

Parvathy Sudheer (XI) was elected head girl, and Ishan Nair (XI) head boy. The vice head boy this year is Johan Thomas Joby; the vice head girl is Neha Krishna.

14 July 2023, Health Seminar

A seminar was arranged by the Biology Dept and the Nallapaadam Team to provide awareness on monsoon diseases and ways to avoid them on 14 July 2023. Collaborating in this venture was the Social Works Dept of Caritas Hospital.

The resource person on this occasion was Dr Sharon Raj Eliza of Community Medicine at Caritas. Accompanying her were Stephen Thomas, Mathew Robert and Ashley Sabu from the Social Works Dept. The awareness campaign proved a success among the students of Grades VI-IX who attended it and benefited from the experience.

19 July 2023, Investiture ceremony

Members of the new school parliament, cabinet leaders and house captains were installed in their positions of responsibility during an investiture ceremony held on 19 July. The chief guest was Shri Johnkutty K.L., IPS, SP, Crime Branch, Kottayam.

He waxed eloquent on the levels of responsibility incumbent on the reps chosen by the students, and the need to view it as a golden opportunity of a life time to serve others. After sashes and badges were distributed and school flags given to leaders, what followed was the oath-taking ceremony.

The newly chosen officials held aloft lighted candles symbolizing their new responsibility and sang a song about their positions.

24 July 2023, Farewell to Fr Soby Thomas

A grand farewell function was arranged to bid farewell to former school Principal Rev Fr Soby Thomas who is being transferred to Malur, in the vicinity of Bangalore city. He had been the helmsman here for the last five years, leading the school to greater zeniths of grandeur and success.

Rev Fr Jose Parappillil, school manager, presided over the meeting and delivered the presidential address, wherein he recalled his happy association with Fr Soby as a confrere at the seminary, and how he had noticed the sterling qualities of Fr Soby.

Present on the occasion were school Principal Rev Dr Roy, vice principal Fr Kelvin Olikkunnel, and school administrator Fr Baby Elanjimattathil. Kottayam Sahodaya President Benny George felicitated Fr Soby as he recalled his valuable experiences and memories of collaboration.

Other VIPs present on the dais included Fr Pious, Principal, Lourdes Public School, Kottayam; Mrs Lovely George, Municipal Chairperson, Ettumanoor, and Mrs Viji Francis, a municipal councilor, Ettumanoor. Mr Sebastian Mathew, Director, Brilliant Study Centre, was another speaker. On behalf of the teaching staff, Mrs Priya Ameer Sait, delivered a short message of gratitude to Fr Soby.

Fr Soby, in his turn, recollected his happy memories of working as Principal here. He said he was being transferred to Malur, where the Congregation was intent on establishing a CBSE branch of an already-existing high school (Kannada medium).

29 July 2023, PT1 Examination

The first PT Examination of Grades I to X began on this day. It was followed by the first mid-term examination of Grade XI on August 01, 2023.

03 August 2023, IT Training for Edumerge

Mrs Hima Vikramadas conducted a training session for teachers to familiarize them with the steps involved in marks entry in Edumerge application.

04 August 2023, Clubs on the Go

Various clubs operating at the school were encouraged to initiate activities in tune with their mottos.

05 August 2023, Smart Board Training

An intensive training was offered to all teachers on ways intensify the use of smart boards so as to make our teaching more appealing to students.

A subject council meeting was also organized which discussed the following points:

• Curriculum updates to be discussed for all divisions
• Steps to improve question bank
• Record keeping procedures
• Progress and plans for art-integrated projects
• Status of syllabus completion
• Revision and remedial classes.

14 August 2023, Indian Independence Day

The nation’s Independence Day was celebrated on the eve of the occasion. The organization of the celebration fell to the students of Grade VIII this year. Patriotic songs rendered by the students spurred national sentiments even as some students delivered well-tailored speeches.
Principal Dr Roy gave a stirring speech recalling the heroic struggles of our ancestors for the cause of India’s freedom.

15 August 2023, Flag Hoisting

The 76th Independence Day of India was celebrated at the school by hoisting the national tricolor at 8.00 a.m. Dr Roy, Principal; Fr Kelvin, vice principal; and Fr Baby, school administrator, jointly hoisted it in the presence of the hostellers (boys).
In his address on the occasion, Dr Roy highlighted the role of educational institutions in nation-building. He exhorted the youngsters to create a powerful nation, strong on all fronts.
In conclusion, candies were presented to the students.

25 August 2023, Onam and Teachers’ Day

This year’s Onam celebration was gracefully clubbed with the Teachers’ Day on 25 August 2023. The chief guest on this occasion was Dr Padmini Krishnan, renowned Kuchipudi artiste. A number of programmes were presented on stage to draw attention to the diversity of Indian culture, including Thiruvathira and an interactive session with Mahabali.
School manager Fr Jose Parappillil felicitated the gathering. What followed the Onam festivities was a grand celebration of Teachers’ Day. The cultural vignettes presented by the students displayed their love for their teachers.
Gurupoornima was a special programme to acknowledge the students’ indebtedness to their teachers for their invaluable services. Principal Dr Roy addressed the gathering. General coordinator Jaimol John, representing all the teachers, delivered a brief message in reply to the Principal’s exhortation.

05 September 2023, Teachers’ Day

This is the day the nation pays tributes to its teachers and recalls their services to the cause of education. Teachers were welcomed at the main entrance of the school by student representatives who offered roses o them as a gesture of welcome to the celebration.
The venue of the meeting was the Vayalil Memorial AC Hall. Dr Roy addressed the teachers and paid glowing tributes to them for their contributions to the institution. A teachers’ day party was held at 4.00 pm.

07 September 2023, Carpe Diem

The school’s youth festival – Carpe Diem – was held on 07 September with a spectacular opening ceremony. Excitement was palpable in the hall as the students gathered there when the guest of honour Reji Ramapuram explained the great significance of youth festival. His performance amused all as they listened to his message and watched his show.
Fathers of the management team attended the programme and kept the students on tenterhooks as the chief guest imitated well-known artistes in the movie world.
08 September 2023, end of youth festival
The closing ceremony of the Youth Festival was held on 08 September. Groups were awarded positions based on the points they scored for individual and group items.
The Cygnus House bagged the overall championship while the Centaur House became the runner-up team. The third and fourth positions went to the Phoenix House and Gryphen House respectively.

14-15 September 2023, ‘Flamboyance’

Kids’ Fest entitled Flamboyance was held on two successive days: 14 and 15 September 2023. Its target was to showcase the hidden talents of little boys and girls studying in the kindergarten. Its inauguration was carried out by Shri Shihab M Jamal, assistant professor and radio jockey.
School manager Fr Jose Parappillil presided over the meeting held at the Little Saints Auditorium. School Principal Dr Roy presented a memento to the chief guest.
It was wonderful to see the participants rush from stage to stage for various onstage and offstage presentations.

15 September 2023, Handwriting Training

A training session was conducted for teachers of the English department on 15 September to provide some cues on enhancing handwriting. It was an online webinar.

16 September 2023, Kutty Smart health seminar

In partnership with Manorama’s Nallapadam team and the chemistry department of the school, the kutty smart health seminar was conducted at the school. During the inaugural speech, Fr Jose Parappillil shared his profound insights with the audience, and left an indelible mark on their minds.
Dr Suresh Vadakkedam, a veteran health worker, unraveled the complexities of lifestyle diseases, and explained the holistic path to good health. He exhorted the students to take an out-of-box thought on contemporary culture, including excessive dependence on the mobile phone.
The session proved useful in enabling participants to reconsider their customary ways of maintaining health. Dr Suresh was offered a memento honouring his presence and lecture. Shri Cyriac Pattani from Nallapadam was also present.

Blood Test for Girls

The same afternoon, the health department of the government of Kerala conducted a lab test among girl students and lady staff to determine if they were anemic and, if so, to what extent.

16 September 2023, World Ozone Day

As part of the World Ozone Day celebration, the Eco Club of the School organized an oath-taking ceremony soon after the morning prayer session. The oath was displayed on the smart board, and all students read it aloud in unison.

Financial Literacy Seminar

A financial literacy seminar was conducted at the school for teachers including some from outside. The resource person on this occasion was Shri Dennis Samuel, a freelance trainer in logistics, retail business, life skills and soft skills. He handles topics that are relevant for our future. His insights are valuable and informative.
A few teachers from outside joined the SFS staff to attend the seminar. The Principal too attended it to the very end.

29 September 2023, Swachchata Hi Seva Campaign

As a part of the Swachchata Hi Seva campaign of the Ministry of Jal Shakti and the Ministry of Education, the school organized a programme on 29 September to spread awareness of cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene in the society with the active involvement of students.
A special assembly was conducted at the school in which the importance of Gandhi Jayanti and its observance was emphasized. About 60 students were selected from classes V to IX to clean the roadsides from the school premises to Peroor.
A few walls of Ettumanoor Municipality were painted by the students and teachers to convey some messages for the general public. The aim is to create awareness of cleanliness and cooperation.

29 September 2023, Half-Yearly Exams

The half-yearly examination of Class XI began today.

04 October 2023, Half-Yearly Exams

The half-yearly examinations of Classes LKG to IX began on 04 October 2023.

07 October 2023, Grade X Study Tour

The students of Grade X undertook a study tour to Vikram Sarabhai Space Research Centre, Trivandrum on 07 October 22023. The students obtained firsthand information on space technology as a result of this tour.

10 October 2023, World Mental Health Day

The World Mental Health Day was observed on 10 October at the school. The Nallapadam team made a public announcement at the school emphasizing the importance of mental health and its relevance for the pursuit of academic excellence.

13 October 2023, Buoyancy 2023

The sports meet for special school children, titled Buoyancy, took place on Friday, 13 October 2023. Hope springs eternal in their minds as they struggle to overcome their physical shortcomings to make way to the forefront of society. Buoyancy was the sports meet that offered this opportunity to over 250 students from 22 special schools in the district on 13 October 2023 at SFS Public School, Ettumanoor.
The message it conveyed to the public was one of fraternity and care for the less fortunate inmates of special schools. This was the seventh consecutive year of organizing such a programme at our school. The inaugural message was delivered by Malayala Manorama Sports Editor Sunish Thomas in the august presence of Fr Jismon Madathil, Joint Director of Caritas Hospital.
The competitions were held in 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m races besides standing broad jump and wheel chair racing. The first prize went to DCMR special school, Teekoy, which was awarded 7001 rupees and an ever rolling trophy. The second prize went to Anthinad Santhinilayam special school which won 5001 rupees and a trophy. A special prize for outstanding performance in march-past went to Sanjos Vidyalaya special school, Kanakkary, which won 3001 rupees and a trophy.
The award presentation meeting was presided over by Manorama Chief News Editor Vinod Nair. Speeches were delivered by Ettumanoor municipal chairperson Lovely George Padikara, SFS School Manager Fr Jose Parappillil, Principal Rev Dr PK Roy, Association of Intellctually Disabled Kerala Chairman Fr Roy Mathew Vadakkel, Caritas Hospital Joint Director Fr Jinu Kavil, SFS School Vice Principal Fr Kelvin Olikkunnel, Administrator Fr Baby Elanjimattathil, Sanjos Special School Principal Sr Anupama, and Dr Sharon Elizabeth.
A special attraction of Buoyancy this time was a friendly match titled ‘Young Athletic Programme’ between junior students of special schools and SFS School students. In collaboration with Caritas Hospital, a general medical camp was organized earlier for students of all special schools. Caritas Hospital provided its privilege card to all participants of the camp. Students who had participated in the Special Olympics in Germany were specially honoured at the function.
Buoyancy 2023 was organized by Malayala Manorama Nalla Paadam, Special Olympic Bharat, Unified Sports, Caritas Hospital, and SFS Public School, Ettumanoor.

20-21 Oct 2023, School Annual Sports Meet

The annual sports meeting of SFS Public School was organized between 20-21 October 2023. Mr Santosh Kumar, FIFA World Cup Referee (2011-18) was the chief guest on this occasion. The programme started with a welcome to the chief guest. Flag hoisting marked the official inauguration of the meeting. It was followed by a march-past of the four houses, captains of each house leading his team.
School manager Fr Jose Parappillil presided over the meeting. Vice Principal Fr Kelvin presented a memento to the chief guest Santhosh Kumar as a token of our gratitude to him. In the athletic events held on 20 October students from all classes participated with great enthusiasm.
Different games were conducted on 21 October which attracted students from all classes to participate. The closing ceremony was a grand function on 21 October. All winners of all competitions were felicitated and presented with awards and prizes.
During the closing ceremony, Fr Jose Parappillil lowered the flag, marking the official close of the sports meeting. Present on the occasion were school Principal Rev Dr Roy and Fr Baby Elanjimattathil, school administrator.
Ruchikoottam, a food fest, was organized on this occasion by the Nallapadam team at the school. It offered the students an opportunity to try a variety of dishes and flavours.

26 Oct 2023, Kottayam Sahodaya meeting

The Kottayam Sahodaya Meeting held on 26 October 2023 saw several SFS students bagging prizes in individual and group items.

Second Terminal Exam for Grade XII, 28 Oct, 2023

The second terminal examination for Grade XII started on 28 October 2023.

31 Oct. 2023, Edu Expo

An exhibition titled Edu Expo was held at the school on 31 October 2023. Both working and still models in different subjects were on display on this occasion. It was inaugurated by school manager Fr Jose Parappillil in the presence of Principal Rev Dr Roy, vice principal Fr Kelvin, and Administrator Fr Baby.
Students participated in the exhibition under two categories: Category I comprised Grades VI, VII and VIII. Category II comprised Grades IX and XI.
Working models and still models relating to Science, Social Science and Maths were on display, besides art models and creative charts.
The exhibits were evaluated and winners selected. A few selected students who performed well in Edu Expo were taken to Placid Vidya Vihar on 10 November 2023 to participate in Sahodaya Exhibition.

30/10 – 02/11: Planetarium Visit

A planetarium visit was arranged at the school on 30 Oct and 02 Nov. when students were taken class-wise to visit the planetarium.

01 November 2023, Kerala Piravi

A special assembly was convened on 01 November 2023 to recall the creation of the Kerala State. The programme, conducted in Malayalam, threw light on the multiplicity and vastness of our culture. Fr Roy gave a lecture in Malayalam on the importance of the day, and concluded the celebration with a special edition of Thiruvathira.
On the same day, a seminar on Model UN was organized for Grades VIII and IX, dealing with the background and formation of the United Nations Organization, and its functioning today.

03 November 2023, A Commerce Seminar

A seminar was conducted as a joint initiative of the Kerala Commerce Forum, the school’s Commerce Department and the Nallapaadam team. The resource person on this occasion was Mr Akhil Retnakumar who has eight years’ experience in the educational sector. He also worked in administration, finance, sales and marketing in different firms.
Mr Syamkumar R., a cost management accountant, was also present at the seminar. He enlightened students with his insights. The seminar was aimed at providing our students with career guidance and motivate them to pursue commerce studies in their future planning.

A Poster Designing Competition

A poster designing competition was conducted as a joint initiative of the Physics department and the Nallapaadam team. It was attended by students of Grades VI to IX. The competition centred around the theme “Save energy, save the Earth”. Winners received accolades during the school assembly.

04 Nov. 2023, Wonderla Picnic

Students of Grades I to IV were taken to Wonderla for a day’s outing there.
A seminar was conducted for the KG teachers at Orchid Residency, Kottayam. Mrs Archana Madhusoodan was the resource person. The seminar was an initiative of Next Education centred around FLN, new NCF guidelines and creating stimulating learning environments to encourage exploration as well as innovation by KG kids.

08 Nov 2023, Career Guidance Seminar

A career guidance seminar was conducted on 08 November 2023 at Fr George Vayalil Memorial Auditorium by Time Institute. The seminar was organized for students of Grades X and XII.

09 November 2023, career guidance seminar

A career guidance seminar, under the joint initiative of Malayala Manorama and Santa Monica, was arranged for Classes IX to XII.

13 Nov 2023, First Revision Test

The first revision test for Grade XII started on this day.

14 Nov 2023, Children’s Day

The Children’s Day, in memory of the first Indian Premiere, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, was celebrated in a befitting manner by the teachers for the entertainment of the students. The teachers, supported by their Assistants, applied tilak on the foreheads of students during the first hour. They were also given Children’s Day greeting cards containing special messages tailor-made for the occasion.
The official celebration started at 11.30 a.m. and went on till past 1 o’clock. School Manager Fr Jose Parappilllil and Principal Dr Roy addressed the assembly and highlighted the importance of the celebration. The teachers put up various cultural vignettes to entertain the students.

16 Nov 2023, Mysore Picnic

Students of Grades XI went to Mysore for an excursion.

20 Nov 2023, Second Revision Test

The second revision test for Class XII began on 20 November 2023. This was followed by the third revision test for the same class a week later, starting 27 November 2023.

22 Dec 2023, Annual Day Celebration

The 21st Annual Day of the school was celebrated on December 22, commencing at 4.30 pm. Adv Mons Joseph, MLA, delivered the inaugural address. His inspiring words resonated deeply with the audience. Rev Dr Thomas Kalariparambil, Provincial Superior of SWIP, gave the presidential address. His words left a profound impact on the audience.
Shri Jacob Punnoose, IPS, served as the chief guest on this occasion. His message was deeply moving and sparked a new sense of urgency among the students. Shri Jayaraj Warrier, cine artiste, was the celebrity guest at the function. His witticism left the audience spellbound.
Smt Lovely George, the municipal chairperson, Rev Fr Jose Parappillil, school manager, Shri Sebastian G Mathew and Shri Dileep Kaithackal felicitated the gathering. Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions that took place in the course of the academic year.
The variety entertainment put up by the students soon after the formal function displayed the multiplicity of artistic talents of the students.
The Annual Day programme was preceded by the blessing of the newly constructed Grotto in the school yard by the Provincial Superior, in the presence of several MSFS Fathers of the Province.

23 Dec 2023, Christmas Celebration

The Christmas celebration for the teaching and non-teaching staff was held at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday, 23 December 2023. School Manager Fr Jose Parappillil delivered a short message before slicing the Christmas cake and distributing it among the gathering. A high tea was served among the staff before they dispersed with individual cakes for their families, given by the school management.

03 January 2024, School Reopening

After the Christmas vacation, the school reopened on January 03, 2024.
From 05 to 09 January 2024, model practical examinations for Grade XII were conducted at the school.
On 05 January, the Nallapaadam team along with the computer department, as part of their charity initiative, visited the Ashraya Charitable Trust and shared with them grocery items and dry fruits collected from the staff and students of Grades VI to VIII.

08 Jan, 2024, Pre-Board Exams

The pre-Board examinations of Grad X and the preparatory exams of Grade IX commenced on this day. This day also marked the birthday of the school Principal, Rev Dr Roy P.K. who was lovingly guided to the stage by the school students, and offered a hearty welcome by Mrs Jaimol John, English teacher.
School Administrator Fr Baby and Vice Principal Fr Kelvin also made brief speeches lauding Dr Roy on his birthday. What immediately followed was the ceremonial cake-cutting and a reply speech by Dr Roy. A dance performance by our students added colour and verve to the function. Toffees were given off to the entire school, and the function ended at 10.00 a.m.

15-18 Jan 2024, PT 2

Periodic Test II was held from 15 to 18 January for Grades I to VIII.

19 Jan, Orientation Program

An orientation programme for students of Grades X and XII was organized on 19 Jan, 2024. The session was led by Fr Bijil Chakkiath. It opened ways to face examinations with confidence and courage. Fr Bijil provided some tips on how to overcome examination fear and to stay relaxed.
The program was held in two shifts: first for Grade X and the next for Grade XII.

20 Jan, Prayer Session

A prayer session for students of Grade X and XII along with a valedictory function for the final year students was held on January 20, 2024. Teachers blessed the students for the upcoming examinations.
The valedictory function was inaugurated by munsif magistrate Ms Sruthy M. Various cultural programmes added to the memory value of the event for the outgoing students.

23 Jan. 2024, Manager’s Day

The 70th birthday of school manager Rev Fr Jose Parappillil was celebrated on January 23, 2024. A shingarimelam was the special item on offer for the celebrant as he was welcomed into the auditorium. Kumari Sarangi Kannan welcomed the gathering. Teacher Mrs Jaimol John presented a bouquet to him while Fr Kelvin vested him with a ponnada, an exquisite token of love and respect in the traditional manner. Shri Nebi Abraham, Teacher, placed a special headgear (Thalapavu) on the birthday boy.
After the birthday cake was cut, Fr Baby Elanjimattathil presented him a gift. Mrs Jimbil Tom offered him a huge card bearing the good wishes of the staff, while Mrs Susamma Jesline presented a mangalapathram which was artistically recited by the musical teachers Mrs Suparna and Mrs Anju. This was followed by a stunning dance performance by students.
Mrs Blessey Johnson made a stirring speech to felicitate the celebrant and the community. Fr Jose received bouquets and flowers from several students. His reply speech was touching and full of emotions. A vote of thanks was proposed by Kum. Alphy Maria, a student. The shingarimelam artistes continued to entertain for some more time. A luscious lunch for the staff was the final piece of action!

29 Jan – 12 Feb, final Semester Exam for Gr. XI

The semester-ending examination of Grade XI was conducted from 29 Jan to 12 Feb, 2024. The pre-board exam II of Grade X and the PT 3 of Grade IX started on 29 Jan. 2024.

03 Feb 2024, KG Graduation

The UKG graduation was conducted on Feb 03, 2024. The program was held at the KG quadrangle with a prayer song and welcome speech, followed by keynote address by chief guest Mrs Rosy Mathew. A dance by the tiny tots was the major attraction for the audience. The graduation and oath-taking preceded the Principal’s address. A class photo session marked the end of the programme.

06 Feb., Staff Meeting

A staff meeting was held in the seminar hall on Feb. 06, chaired by the Principal and assisted by the Vice Principal and Mrs Jaimol John, general coordinator. She explained to the teachers how all documents had to be readied for the upcoming school inspection by the central office of the SFS group of institutions.

07 Feb., Commerce Seminar

A career guidance programme was organized by the commerce department of the school on Feb 07 at the seminar hall. Commerce department faculty including Mr Adarsh V.S., Mrs Sheeba Velayudhan and Mrs Vidya V.M. guided the proceedings which enlightened the students on the career opportunities available in the sphere of commercial undertakings.

On 09 Feb, 2024. Deworming tablets were distributed to students.

10 Feb, staff picnic & Fr Kelvin’s birthday

The teaching and non-teaching staff went on a trip on Saturday, 10 Feb., to Uday Backwater Resort, Alappuzha. Vice Principal Fr Kelvin’s birthday was celebrated at the destination. The picnickers reached the resort at 10.30 and held the celebration from 11.00 for an hour. It included a tea break, games, lunch, relaxation time, boating in the sea and return to the school at 4.30 pm.
Dr Roy presented a stunning bouquet to Fr Kelvin. After cake cutting, Fr Jose Parappillil presented a birthday gift while Fr Baby offered him a birthday card containing joyous wishes. Fr Jose and Ms Minu Basil made short speeches. Fr Kelvin expressed his gratitude for the celebration.

12 Feb 2024, classes for Grade XII

Textbooks and notebooks for Grade XII were distributed, and their classes commenced that day.

13 Feb, PTM for Grade IX, and classes for Grade X

A PTM for Grade IX students was held on 13 Feb. textbooks and notebooks for Grade X were distributed and classes for Grade X commenced on 15 Feb 2024.

17 Feb., 2024, Invigilators Seminar

A training session for teachers regarding their invigilation work was held in the seminar hall on 17 Feb 2024 at 2.00 pm. The session was directed by Mrs Jyothimol T.R. in the presence of Dr Roy and all teachers.
A sample of the seating plan, answer sheet, attendance sheet, and schedule of activities in the exam hall was distributed to the teachers. The session ended at 3.30 pm.

19 Feb 2024, Annual Exams Start

The annual examination for Grades I to VIII started on 19 Feb.

20 Feb 2024, Grade X board Exams Start
The board examination for Grade X commenced on Feb 20, 2024. And the board examinations of Grade XII began on February 22, 2024.


Scholarship Examinations:
English, 26/09/2023
Super Kid, 14/10/2023
PCM, 03/11/2023
Science, 21/11/2023
Mathematics, 30/11/2023

1. Quiz Competition for int’l Yoga Day, 21/06/2023
2. Knowa Fest ’23, SH Public School, Kilimala, 09/08/2023
3. G20 THINQ (Indian Navy Quiz) first elimination round, 12/09/2023
4. Second elimination round, 03/10/2023
5. U Genius organized by Union Bank of India, 15/09/2023
6. H&C All Kerala Quiz Competition 2023, 27/10/2023
7. Heritage Quiz organized by CBSE, 17/11/2023